When does a person grow up? Does a person ever grow up? Is a person only grown up in comparison to someone who's oviously "not grown up?" How does a person define what a 20 something year old person is in today's society? Especially one with no real career or anything defining who they are. I do not know.
For the first time in my life, I'm actually independent. I moved half way across the country, got my first full time job (so what if i'm only really working 32-37 hours a week... I like free time). After bumming off of my boyfriend (ex? current? pending?) for 6 months, I got my own place. I moved out of his 10x12ft room that uncomfortably held two twin size mattresses, a small three drawer dresser, a book shelf made of books, a large shelf, that once held the mattresses before the room slept two, and all of my belongings into a spacious 12x17 room with high cielings, a large closet, central air and good light. I now have my own huge room with all of my belongings; my clothes, computer, and art supply. I did not get anyone to help me move, although it was easy considering I only brought one car load with me to my new life in Texas. My room is slowly transforming into a living space with a few small pieces of furniture, and my newly beloved air mattress with a 2 inch memory foam on top.
For the first time ever, I am paying my own rent. No monthly allowance from my dad. No mooching off of my parents. The room in the house of strangers is financially easy, 400$. I make about 650 a paycheck, meaning I make 1300 dollars a month. What I'm about to be doing stresses me out and gives me cold sores and zits. I am about to pay for my car insurance (50$) for the first time in my life. I am about to have my own health insurance, for a price (100$). I have to get my car fixed (Who knows what?!). I pay bills(cell 70, creditcard 70+, gas&electric 50, automobile gas 80, etc). I feed myself. I take care of myself. I am constantly thinking of moving home because of all the money I could save and when I break down the big hug I'll get from my mom. But in contrast, I always think of how much I love Austin, Tx.
And re-working everything out I realize that it's possible.
I'll go more into detail on my intense love for this city in another post.
Right now I need a game plan. A life plan. No, I don't like planning for that long. i don't like planning at all, to be honest. Well, I like loose plans. Sketchy plans. I don't know what I really like and what I don't like. Here's my idea I came up with while walking to the bathroom earlier today. A two week plan, where I have a rotating agenda. a bi-monthly sketchy/loose/possible plan. Something like this:
Monday: Go somewhere new. (A restaurant, a gift store, a thrift store, a park, a neighborhood, etc)
Tuesday: Build/create something. (A frame, a book, sew something ... if I ever get a sewing machine)
Wednesday: Draw something. (This should be everyday, really)
Thursday: Paint something. (Why don't I ever paint? I have excuses, but they are not good ones)
Friday: Cook something new. (I love cooking)
Saturday: Work all day. (I work from 8am-9pm, I am not going to plan anything. Except reasearch on the internet things to do!)
Sunday: Relax. Have fun. Do whatever feels natural.
Monday: Buy something. (Sewing machine, shelf, a book, a shirt, furniture, a painting)
Tuesday: Go to a coffee shop and get out of the house. Draw, read, people watch...
Wednesday: Go to a new bar, even if just for one drink.
Thursday: Write a letter to someone.
Friday: Go somewhere and take photos.
Saturday: Work all day.
Sunday: Relax.
This is a really sketchy idea of how I'd like to manage my time. I'd like to be more productive. I'd like to feel busier. I'd also like to meet more people and have more of a social life, but since that's harder for me, I can at least have a "better" anti-social life.
I just feel like I need more worth in my day to day schedule. If I can take a self portrait everyday, I should be able to add on to my daily schedule and become more and more creative. I look at so many amazing photos on flickr that I want to paint, but I don't because I don't have anything to paint on... because I don't feel comfortable painting in my room... because I don't manage my time the right way to do the things that I SHOULD really be doing.
Maybe if I write about what I have done everyday, I'll stick to a schedule better.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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